This program is to ensure that all works o be accomplished by speed Time comply with drawings, specifications, applicable codes, and other project requirements. Procedures described in this program are to be arranged according to the various types of works.
The QA/QC program is implemented to:
Established control levels Define what must be controlled Identify deviations early and take prompt actual measurement
Feedback and follow-up all elements of design, material procurement, service acquisition, fabrication, assembly, shipping and construction Verify and record Q.C. activities Maintain efficient communication with consultant and/or client
Chart organization
Responsibility for quality assurance of all works rests with the Quality manager there included documentation in accordance with quality assurance program, project specifications and contractual requirements.
Under the responsibility of Quality Manager,
QA/QC group conducts the following:
Supervision of quality verification, inspection and documentation Maintenance of QC files Monitoring adherence to drawings, specifications and material control procedures Supervision of test laboratory Q.C. training classes Preparation of inspection plans and provisions of technical direction regarding determination and selection of Q.C. inspection points
Q.A./Q.C. Program
Document Control
Control procedures for issuance and keeping of approved project documents including vendor documents and field modification
drawings will be established to ensure that those documents and changes thereto are distributed as required to locations where
applicable work is to be performed. Prior to issue, each document shall be reviewed for verification of contents, interface and identification or approval by the authoritative manager within the concerned sections, who shall initial the document as an evidence of review. A compiled record of document identification, issue date and distribution shall be maintained and the recipients shall acknowledge receipt by signing, dating on the document transmittal letter and return one copy of it to the issuing organization. Record log will be maintained to establish accountability and filing location of completed records. The control number and file number
shall be on the record. The log break down into sections for control of records by discipline system or specification.
Records and documentations are divided
into five categories:
Correspondence, activity reports, audit reports, area surveillance reports, measurement and test equipment record, training
schedule/report, record index.
Inspection receiving records
Vendor documents, shop inspector reports field inspection reports and inspection planning.
Engineering record
Approval letter or forms
Installation records
Inspection reports inspection planning standard forms, test reports, NDT data and reports
Sub-contractor records
QA/QC program, inspection and test reports, qualification records and certifications
Procurement Control
Materials, equipment and services will be procured from qualified suppliers after source inspection, obtaining evidence of quality or
witnessing and review of supplier’s quality assurance, operation and testing system. Examination of the products upon delivery shall be carried out for conformance to the project requirements.
Material and Equipment Control
Equipment and materials are to be identified and controlled throughout receiving, storage and erection. Received items to be verified, documented and marked or tagged for subdivided storage, issue, inspection or tests and special maintenance operation while in
storage. Storage class, condition, location and requirements are specified and documentation for acceptability and use is implemented.
Inspection plans are developed from the engineering criteria, technical quality control directives and field inspection plan by the Quality Control engineer, for each phase of receiving, storage, production, installation and testing. Inspection or test is to ascertain that equipment and materials are manufactured and erected in conformance to QA/QC program, purchaser’s data sheets, specifications and applicable codes. Inspection/test will be carried out by other than those who performed the activity, based on the established acceptance or rejection criteria and methods of inspection after identification of characteristics and activities to be inspected and its result will be clearly indicated by means of stamped marking, tags, labels, routing cards or other suitable
means of identification. Determination of the inspection points will be predicated upon the importance, complexity, degree of proof
required and any approved client or program requirements.